Here is the intergalactic threat that the Galaxy Rangers must face.
Scorpius is a power thirsty insect villian who wants nothing but to spread
his reign of terror throught out the universe.
Trakeena is Scorpius' daugher and she takes over him when he is destroyed by
the Rangers. Her ultimate plan is to get revenge on the Rangers for
destroying her father. In the end, she enters a cacoon and transforms into a
poweful buglike monster.
Furio was one of Scorpius' first generals. He eventually self destructed
himself in an attempt to destroy the Red Ranger after Scorpius exiled him
for his failures.
Treacheron was called upon because of his experience with the Magna Defender.
He was eventually destroyed by the Lights of Orion, which he tried so hard
to obtain.
Deviot comes to Scorpius with the lost Galactabeasts, which are lost to the
Power Rangers. Deviot plots and gets Scorpius into a fatal battle with the
Rangers. Then after Trakeena takes control, he plans to find anyyway possible
to become the all powerful one. He eventually steals the Galaxy Book and
casts a spell which not only gives him this great powerful form, but casts
himself and the Rangers into the Lost Galaxy. Once, he returns.. he merges
with Trakeena inside her cacoon. That's the last we hear of Deviot, except
that he is now part of Trakeena.
Villemax finds Trakeena when she runs away from Scorpius and trains her up
to become a powerful warrior. Villemax has always been an honorable warrior.
He finally stands up to Trakeena in the end for destroying innocent people.
Kegler is a sidekick of Villemax. He is quite smart and usually remains on
board the Scorpion Stinger to maintain it.
The Stingwingers are the bug like footsoldiers that carry out Scorpius' and
Trakeena's bidding.
The Psycho Rangers return, when Deviot gets his hands on the lost data cards.
The Psycho Rangers attack Terra Venture in an amazing teamup with the Space
Rangers. Click here for details.
The Scorpion Stinger is where all the above villians reside. It has amazing
firing power and was about to rip the Astro Megaship apart.
Captain Mutiny is head of everything that goes on in the Lost Galaxy. He is
a pirate and he searches for treasure and captures ships, forcing them to
become his slaves.
Barbarax is Mutiny's second in command. He is responsible for keeping the
slaves in line. This guy is covered with spikes all over his body and has
quite a lot of stregnth, and is definitely someone you don't want to mess
HEXUBAHexuba is Mutiny's sorceress and is responsible for hexing and casting all
kinds of spells.
SWABBIESThe Swabbies are Mutiny's footsoldiers minions. They are responsible for
carrying out the brigade's orders.
TITANISAURTitanisaur is a huge dragon that resides in the lake where the captain's
Castle rests upon his back.
CASTLEThe Castle is where Captain Mutiny and his brigade reside and plan their
ambushes on their enemies.